Gnc 189 Creatine Toilet 2 Questions About GNC Creatine 189?

2 questions about GNC creatine 189? - gnc 189 creatine toilet

Hello, I try to take "Amplified Creatine 189" GNC. I have two questions on this topic. And remember that pills

One is the amount of water should be taken if your creatine, (I thought of) 1 gallon per day, and when? because I wonder what happens if you say that taking the pill in the morning and say to drink (for example) within 2 hours on a liter of water. Does that mean I should drink more water than the rest of the day ... O? If the space to 1 liter of water during the day?

And my second question is stupid, but I need to know ... On the back of the bottle where the ingredients and instructions said "as a dietary supplement, take 2 tablets per day. But what does this mean under 2 increase or to take you to the morning and at night before falling asleep? And on days when the sport? I've heard it is better before or after practice ... but how to do it with pills?

Thank you for your help.
10 points best answer:)


Hannibal The Cannibal said...

I answered a question of creatine, but let me see if I can help here too.

Question 1
The type of creatine with an increase of bound water is creatine monohydrate (however this has been disproved). Taking creatine is creatine hydrochloride, so if you need to get more water with creatine, which does not have the right to consume creatine. And no, I do not drink a liter of water in 2 hours. Your body needs water all day, and consume too much water in a short period of time, you can actually kill a so-called "hyponutremia" where the excess water dilutes the blood and dies. A liter of water is good ... But please, drink all day!

Question 2
Because Iu're taking a pill form of creatine, you use the service (in this case, 2 tablets) in the same time every day ... These include training day. If you eat a modification of creatine powder, always after a workout ... Anyone who has ever tried creatine before training that I know to be nothing but trouble!

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