Hgb Normal Range Does A Low Blood Count Mean I Have Cancer?
Does a low blood count mean i have cancer? - hgb normal range
I am diabetic and my doctor has me on guophase because he felt a stomachache year, the constant pain was tired, she could not move was confused and had to eat often, my level rose to 300 and more. After three months of this and a blood test from my dr. told me I had a very small number of blood. They also have periods longer than 25 days. I stopped taking the medication and I feel almost back to my normal blood sugar levels or even be refused. These cases are very rare, and mean what does anemia. He just said he was very weak. I have proof and says:
WBC normal range 4.0 to 10.5 mines to 14.3
Normal RBC values from 4.2 to 5.4 mine 5.70
normal range 12.5 to 19.0 Mine HGB was 10.9
Does anybody know what this means
while my eyes were swollen and had floaters in my right eye, it seemed that I am so swollen that I could see my tab?
Oh, I am diabetic
I did not have cancer
I smoke
His hemoglobin is low, which tells you that it is probably the loss, anemia, the menstrual cycle and the subsequent iron deficiency, but can not and can not be more (another reason for and) anemia. It remains to be still, by checking View more iron, vitamin B12, folate, reticulocyte count, TSH, such things. The rate of normal red blood cells and may indicate a problem may also act as thalassemia, which can be worked up, propose with a hemoglobin electrophoresis. All this can be properly evaluated by a hematologist and oncologist (who are usually in hematology as well trained).
All this does not necessarily mean you have cancer. Please let --- why make trouble with cancer when he is not the same thing most commonly associated with cancer?
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