Low Level Beds I Would Like To Find A Site For Growing Low Maintenance Plants?
I would like to find a site for growing low maintenance plants? - low level beds
Plants such as grasses, ecological and water levels drop.
In clusters in a bed so high you can get rid of the grass and make the roads that require less maintenance and water. But still some color.
I do not know that you live in the climate, but finding places to Xeriscape - the term we use in the desert plants which requires little or no irrigation.
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Try steady, low maintenance, but it needs shade / part shade. Lots of good colors.
An indispensable tool for any gardener living in the West are (surprisingly title) Western Garden Book. There are a lot of information in many areas of horticulture, and is much easier to lamb on the terrace of a computer.
If you live in the West, I think it's a question of East or South or whateverian Ryou.
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