Raising Discus Fish How Many Average Sized Fishes Can I Keep In A 37 Gallon Tank?
How many average sized fishes can I keep in a 37 gallon tank? - raising discus fish
:: I will lift up a freshwater Tropical Aquarium
:: If yes, what do you think
-2-3 Fish Record
Harlequin Rasbora-4-5
Dwarf Gourami, 1 MALE & FEMALE 2
They are consistent and compatible with other peaceful fish can be added
Thank you a bunch:]
Discus not interpret. Grow, they are expensive to buy, and must be very careful.
Neon and harlequins, more than a few. They are small and 6 is considered the minimum for them normally in school and act. 8, 10 or more is even better.
Dwarf Gourami - fine
This is not the feeding of fish ground, I suggest you seek. There are the fish living in all areas of the tank, and the remains of other fish have been cleaned.
Some work bristlensoe Pleco and Cory cats or small loaches (kuhli or Zebra) could.
Make sure you understand the cycle of the tank. There are several ways to do this, but only 30 fish in a tank or back down on the disaster. Many of May to manage once set up and works well, but can take 6 weeks to do so. Or is drying cycle. Or add fish gradually in stages, the hardest first.
Good Luck
1) Neon Tetra - 6
2) Rasboras Harlequin - 6
3) Dwarf Gouramis - 1M/2F
Leave the floppy fish. You can reach 8 to "and require a minimum of 50 gallons tank.
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